16-19? Diddordeb yn Twf Swyddi Cymru+?

                                Cysylltwch â ni
Aug 2019 / Learners

We are absolutely delighted to report that ACT Schools’ learners have achieved their highest GCSE results to date since their launch in 2012. Our independently registered school has reported unprecedented success with all learners who sat exams, passing a range of subjects, with many securing positive destinations following on from their results.

Adam Boyle, from our OPH provision achieved a fantastic 8 GCSEs, including a B and C in Maths, with Stephen Jenkins from Caerphilly gaining 6 GCSEs, including a C in GCSE Art; ACT Schools ran this option for the first time this year to engage their more creative learners. Despite a troubled background, Stephen, who came to ACT Schools in 2018 as his Year 10 was ending, surpassed expectations to gain his GCSEs and vocational qualifications. Statistically, ‘looked after children’ do not achieve as well as children who live at home, with an April 2018 Estyn Report finding, ‘only 21% of looked after children achieve the Level 2 threshold’, making Stephen’s success even more exceptional.  

Speaking about his time at ACT Schools, Stephen commented: “I first came to ACT in September 2018 after my school placement broke down. I used to like school but things changed for me and they couldn’t manage my behaviour. Moving to ACT was the best thing that could have happened.  ACT treat me with respect and have really helped me through my exams. It is still like a school but the teachers care about me, and even when I haven’t been brilliant, they still look out for me.”

Antony Leach, Caerphilly Schools Centre Manager, added, “I am immensely proud of Stephen and the progress he has made during his time at ACT. Despite the difficulties he has faced, Stephen has managed to complete a full academic year with us and achieve all of his educational targets. The staff at ACT Schools work with some of the most vulnerable children and do so with total passion and drive. I feel very privileged to work in such an environment and I am extremely proud of the team I manage as well as the pupils we support.”

Kelly Rowlands, Senior Schools Provision Manager, added, “Stephen’s story is just one example of the fantastic achievements of our learners this year. Since becoming an independent school, the ACT Schools provision has continued to grow and we are excited to continue building on our success over the coming years.”

Following his fantastic GCSE results, Stephen’s future plans are to pursue a career in engineering. His advice to any young people struggling with their school or home life is to “always ask for help. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, always get help.”
